Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Oral Cancer......What Are the Signs?

According to studies, nearly 37,000 Americans will be diagnosed with oral cancer this year.  Oral cancer will cause roughly 8,000 deaths this year and of those newly diagnosed 37,000 only about half will be alive five years from now.  This survival rate for this cancer is particularly bleak due to late detection.  Most oral cancer goes undetected until it has metastasized to another location because of the minimal signs of oral cancer.  Therefore it is even more important to recognize the potential signs of oral cancer to aid in early detection.  Here are a few things to watch for with regard to oral cancer.

Make sure to have a regular oral cancer exam by your dental health professional.

1. Appearance - The main symptom an individual with oral cancer may notice in the early stages is an irregularity in the appearance of the tissue within the mouth.  The cancer may manifest itself through a red or white patch of tissue in the mouth or an ulcer looking rather like a canker sore.  If you develop a sore in your mouth that lasts for more than 14 days, it is best to have it checked out by your dentist.  They can determine if there is any cause for concern or further testing.

2. Pain – Another potential sign of oral cancer is pain or difficulty when chewing, swallowing, or speaking.  Again should this symptom persist, especially if it occurs simultaneously with other symptoms, contact your health care professional or dentist.

3. A mass - A mass or lump which can be felt within the mouth or neck is another potential symptom of oral cancer.

4. Numbness - Any numbness of the oral or facial region could also be cause for concern.  Contact your health care provider to get this checked out as soon as possible.

5. Hoarseness - One final common sign of oral cancer is hoarseness.  If you suffer from prolonged hoarseness unrelated to another illness contact your physician for an exam.

Dr. Rigby recommends having a routine head and neck cancer screening biannually at your regular dental hygiene visits.  If you or any family members have further questions, please contact us and we would be happy to discuss any concerns.  Why wait.......call today (512) 992-2822 or visit our website Rigby Advanced Dental.

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