Monday, May 9, 2011

Implants in One Day

Implants in one day?  Is it really possible?  Believe it or not, if you fit the right criteria, you can go from having teeth to implants in one day.  You may have seen commercials for this procedure or perhaps a friend recommended it and your interest is peaked.......well never fear, Rigby Advanced Dental is on the cutting edge of technology and offers this procedure right here in Bee Cave & Lakeway, TX.  As a trained Prosthodontist, Dr. Rigby has the extensive knowledge and experience to perform these difficult implant procedures to ensure the best possible outcome.  With that being said, there is a lot you should know about this treatment, so please before any decision has been made, thoroughly research the topic to familiarize yourself with the procedures involved and discuss you concerns with Dr. Rigby.

How does it work?
Once you have had a thorough exam, we will discuss your treatment options.  If we have decided that your teeth require removal, you may be interested in implants.  You can have implants to support your new teeth. You may not even need to wear dentures – ever.

In one procedure we will take out your remaining teeth, place implants (4 to 6 in each jaw), and place a temporary implant bridge for each jaw.  You will leave the office with your new implant bridges – they look just like teeth.

Example of Upper and Lower Implant Locations
Breakdown Model of Denture, Screws, Abutments, and Dental Implants

Expect several follow up visits and a soft food diet for the next 3 to 4 months.  After that time, we make your final implant bridges.  This healing period is designed to allow the implants to fuse to the bone and your gums to heal. It allows us to make any needed changes to the teeth for the best cosmetic outcome.  The temporary implant bridges prevent you from needing to wear a removable denture.

Upper and Lower Implant Supported Dentures
Panorex Radiograph - Showing Implants and Final Prostheses
Final Smile Immediate Implant Dentures

Important Facts:
  • You can receive treatment like this right here in the Lake Travis Austin, TX area.
  • A Prosthodontist has been specially trained to perform these procedures
    • Involving a dental specialist in your treatment puts you in the best trained hands possible.
  • There is a lot of planning that goes into this kind of treatment. 
    • While the actual surgery may take place in one day, there will be several other appointments to plan and finish your implants.
  • Not everyone is a candidate for this treatment, but many are. 
    • There are different ways to provide the same end-result.  Sometimes it is not possible to place the temporary implant bridge on the day of surgery, but it can be placed later.  You will be able to wear at least a removable denture in most cases.
  • Finances are a concern for everyone – we can help you.
Call (512) 992-2822 or email Rigby Advanced Dental for a free consultation with Dr. Rigby.  Please remember that this is a general overview for your information only; please see us or your dentist to discuss this kind of treatment.

1 comment:

  1. Dental implant placement is not a dental specialty by itself. Many times it takes several dentists, working in different specialties, to provide the full treatment.

    dental implants Louisville
